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The Ballad of Colleen and Harvey

My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


I went out to the highway

My spirit had to fly away

Let the wind take my soul

Follow paths I can’t control


She got inside a friend’s dad’s van

Leave Spokane for Bellingham

Knowing what she did not know

Answers coming from life’s flow


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


I followed roads unseen to me

She learned new thing like hugging trees

Helping friends – being real

Seeing life by being here


Seattle called she knew not why

Orcas Island caught my eye

We both had needs to get away

Together called - a future day


We hit the road to the east

The Chevy wagon - friendly beast

Took a turn in Boise though

Ended up in Mexico


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


Back north we sought to start again

New life from all our wandering

And boring thoughts of future times

Faltered as paths intertwined


Yakama Nation called to me

Huxley College - her destiny

A year apart let us know

That joining paths – the way to go


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


Next to islands we went back

Orcas tipi – San Juan shack

I wrote a letter telling of

Needing space to sort out love


I got there before the letter did

Guess the meaning wasn’t hid

When I looked ahead I could see

That future plans would be as we


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


On to Portland - learn a skill

See the future spirit’s will

Throw certain to the wind

Open up what’s inside hid


New England followed – calling us

The Dodge Dart wagon showed its stuff

Loaded down with all our things

But  future called with western wings


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


So back out west our journey lead

Coeur d’Alene is where we’d head

Jerome and Devan flagged us down

Joined us - Northern Idaho town


We raised them there until we knew

We had another thing to do

Onward to the coast we bound

The mystic waters of Puget Sound


My life was made of wandering

Searching for another thing

Found balance when I found Colleen


It wasn’t that I knew at once

An inner void that had been lost

Was filled with logic – not my own

She filled it up – life’s now a home


The quilt of life continues on

Looking for magenta dawns

The future’s not a given thing

But unknown promises it brings


The lesson that we’ve learned from this

Is not to question – not to quiz

The answers lying deep inside

If we can venture past our pride


This  ballad’s one of hope and tears

Seeing answers – facing fears

Learning from the flow of things

Hearts hearing what is lost to kings



For any inquiries, please contact Harvey Schwartz:

Woodstockain'tover Press, Bellingham WA

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