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What if people are crops

and continents fields?


Wind blows our seeds

to Timbuktu and beyond.


A cross pollination

of disparate nations



What if we twirled into a mix

where no one looks different?


Would things be better?

Less hatred?


Is there a plan?

Or, does wind blow our fate?


Is there natural order?  God?

Did God create natural order?


Does it matter?

Would it affect anything?


What are the rewards for doing the right thing?

What is the right thing?


What is bad?

What would life look like

without it?


Why do we do what we do?

What attracts us to some things?

and repels us from others?


How random is your life?

Is intent more important than results?


Are you born to your family for a reason?

Or is there genetic roulette?


Why do you live where you do?

Do you choose it?  Or does it choose you?


Are people the same everywhere?

Do we think differently in different languages?


Is good and bad different in different cultures?

Where is technology going?


Why do we dream?

Is life a dream?

Can you dream up a way

to live the life you want?


Who would you like to be?

Is that person different

than your mirror reflection?


What is the very most important thing?

What cannot happen?


What would your great-great-great

grandparents think of you? 

Or, three generations ahead?


Which is better…be yourself

or do good?


What if there were two suns,

one rises as the other sets.

Would we miss the dark?


What if we didn’t need sleep?


Would you like to live forever?

What would you do differently?


Is there life on other planets?

Would we be near the top,

near the bottom or in between

in evolution?


Have they come to earth?

Will they?


Where are these questions coming from?



For any inquiries, please contact Harvey Schwartz:

Woodstockain'tover Press, Bellingham WA

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