Utah 2008
was it women and earth
conspiring with hope
Isaac laughed into town
at those blaming the gays
for natural calamities
while the wiser of you
just looked away
Sandy on deck
took the baton
before the election
giving Obama a boost
we had driven through Utah
posters of Orrin Hatch said
It’s time for Utah to lead.
we had left Escalante
friends told us about
bleeding the beast
which means it’s OK,
to take from the feds
an immoral institution
take but don’t give
and about the Jew boys
as everyone called them
who used to live in their house
we left the state slowly
on tiny back roads
made a wrong turn
to a much bigger one
I stepped on the petal
and never looked back
Utah is
a beautiful state
but I’m not sure Orrin got it
and might consider
not looking away
when a hurricane blows your way
and not a single mom
who’s down on her luck
or a veteran so messed up
he’s resorted to drugs
not part of a church
but still he needs help
and lucky for us
Obama knows what it’s like
to be thought of as less
than what you can be
and that we can dream
past their caricatures
be rainbows of hope for
the downtrodden and low
while your concepts of us
is angry and mean
unless we’re part of your game
so thanks to the storms
of nature and hope
that blew through your money
and ideological dope
and here’s wishes of more
than you don’t want us to be
and hope for a future that
includes the word free